Crochet gigante (Huge crochet)
Em Lagos vi numa loja de artesanato local umas malas feitas em crochet mas com trapilho e o resultado intrigou-me.
Já tinha visto alguns trabalho on-line mas não sabia muito bem como sería o resultado final.
Como gostei do acabamento e novos materiais são sempre um desafio decidi experimentar :)
When I was in Lagos I saw in a local craft work shop bags made of stripes of fabric (we call it "trapilho" and are long (almost never ending) stripes of fabric - usually a stretchy one, like t-shirts)
I really don't know the wright term in English... :|
I had already seen some works on-line but I really didn't know the final result.
Since I liked it, and new material are always a challenge, I decided to give it a try.
Escolhi um cinza claro e um coral.
I chose a light silver and a coral.
Naturalmente que a agulha tinha de ser à medida! :) Yap, uma nº 10! ;)
And naturally... the hook had to match the yarn (well... not real yarn, but you know what I mean) ;) Yap, it's a nº 10! :)
E agora a pergunta, o que é isto? humm Uma almofada? Um puff? ;) Veremos!
And now the question – what is this thing? Hummm A pillow? A puff? We''ll see!! ;)
Já tinha visto alguns trabalho on-line mas não sabia muito bem como sería o resultado final.
Como gostei do acabamento e novos materiais são sempre um desafio decidi experimentar :)
When I was in Lagos I saw in a local craft work shop bags made of stripes of fabric (we call it "trapilho" and are long (almost never ending) stripes of fabric - usually a stretchy one, like t-shirts)
I really don't know the wright term in English... :|
I had already seen some works on-line but I really didn't know the final result.
Since I liked it, and new material are always a challenge, I decided to give it a try.
Escolhi um cinza claro e um coral.
I chose a light silver and a coral.
And naturally... the hook had to match the yarn (well... not real yarn, but you know what I mean) ;) Yap, it's a nº 10! :)
E agora a pergunta, o que é isto? humm Uma almofada? Um puff? ;) Veremos!
And now the question – what is this thing? Hummm A pillow? A puff? We''ll see!! ;)
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